The Masseria Grottillo


The Masseria Grottillo rises up surrounded by the green country and situated on the borderline between Santeramo in Colle and Laterza. This mansion is divided in 3 compounds, which are located closely to each other. The mansion composes the central part of the structure. The farm house has in its lands, a lot of important historical-rural elements and a Neolithic human settlement, among which stands out is the “Jazzo”. It’s an architectural structure addressed to the sheep breeding and built completely out of limestone.

You can also visit the great cavern, from which derives the name of the farm. Some people say that within the cavern sacrifices took place for the goddess Demetra. She was the personification of the land and the edible vegetation. Demetra gave to humanity the knowledge of agricultural techniques; indeed she promoted the naturalness of products, so it was necessary make offerings with fresh produce. In this grotto you can feel a holy atmosphere and perceive the smell of aromatic herbs used during the rites.

All this makes Masseria Grottillo a fortune of priceless value, full of history and legends. All of which is at your disposal, for you to discover the magnificence of this area.